Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ashby Park Wading Pool

I'm sitting at Ashby Park wading pool watching kids play, be mean to each other, shiver because its not really warm enough, melt in the humidity, and generally have fun.  I can't believe it is almost the end of summer - that the city of Des Moines is going to start draining these pools alarmingly soon (too soon!).  And, I can't believe that I finally have a child that doesn't demand my every moment's attention - a child that told me, "Don't come in the water, mommy.  Sit and write some more.  I'm going to go float."  What a lovely rejection!  What I've waited for since becoming a parent - a sign that parenting in a responsive, attached, present way would help him feel secure in our bond, secure enough even to desire a break from it!  

Last night, we went to a Neighborhood Night Out event.  We weren't in our neighborhood, we went down to the Chamberlain Park neighborhood instead, because Aaron had to work there. He unloaded picnic tables and trash cans, then mingled with the residents and various city officials who showed up (the mayor for 5 minutes, the police sargent long enough for a plate of food). Wyatt and I came down, played in the park with bunches of kids -- going down the twirly slide, then walking up it like a spiderman -- me pushing Wyatt and a new friend, Kimmel, in the swings ("Higher!" "More!" they both yelled and laughed).  We ate cookies and drank their lemonade - all donated by Hy-Vee and Dahls -- and learned how to pick up winter cash by delivering phone books for Qwest.  

When we drove back through Beaverdale there was an even huger celebration -- the Isiserettes were out to perform, there were tons of people (at lesat 100!) at Snookies Malt Shop. I wished Aaron was in the car with us so we could stop as a family - but he was still at Chamberlain, working til 9.  We went home, Wyatt and I, and walked Daisy.  Wyatt rode his bike -- he is finally big enough to push the pedals by himself!  

So he's gotten "big" at two things.  He asks for space and time to play without his mom, and he can push his own bike pedals (legs are finally long enough!).  Some people experience these moments of growth, I think, as bittersweet.  I check myself to see if I do - and Nope.  I'm happy to see such a confident, growing, joyful kid develop out of the baby that we had such a seemingly short time ago!

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