Monday, August 25, 2008

Wyatt's First Day of Big-Boy School !!

Wow.  I have a kid in the public school system.  

One of the reasons we moved to Des Moines a couple of years ago was to be able to feel good about the public schools and send Wyatt to one - and we were really excited about the charter schools in Des Moines.  In fact, we got him on "the list" at Cowles Elementary before we even made the physical move back to the midwest.    Cowles Montessori is a public Montessori School - the only one in all of Iowa.

We fell in love with it because it has mixed age classrooms -- our guy has a December birthday, so can't go to kindergarten until he's nearly 6 -- and has an explicit ethic of peace.  The Montessori Method focuses on child-directed skill building, respect for others and materials, and focused work.  I think its going to suit Wyatt well -- we'll have to see!

But, even though Aaron and I know its the right place for Wyatt to be right now - and light years better than his most recent childcare experience (which wasn't all bad, but goodness they watched lots of movies, ate lots of cupcakes, and learned zero conflict resolution skills....) -- even though we know this is a good place and the right place and we've waited more than 18 months to get him in, even so, today was hard!!

I mean, this little guy - 30 lbs soaking wet -- is toting in a backpack that's nearly as tall as he is.  In one pouch is a water bottle with his name on it, in the other is a bottle of spray-on sunscreen (SPF 50).  In the backpack itself is a cowboy blanket made by Grandma Paula, and a poptart that he likely won't eat.  We get to school and he says, like he's finally, all of a sudden, getting it: I'm going to be at Cowles alone?  Umm, yep.  

But he's thrilled -- ready -- in fact, the day that the principal met him, he said "My name is Wyatt.  W - Y - A - T - T."  And then he wrote it down for her (backwards, but all the letters were there).  And she said "You're ready for Cowles!"  Which has become his mantra -- out of the blue, in the weeks leading up to this transition, "I'm ready for Cowles."

But man -- wow.  He has his own LOCKER!  (With a bunny on it that has his name).  Locker 125.  I like to find significance in numbers - I can't find any in this one.  It leaves me disconcerted.  And man - wow -- the potty is actually a bathroom with urinals and located down the hall from his classroom.  He was so into it, the day that we first went to visit the school, he said "mom, I don't have to stand on my tip-toes to pee!!"

But he's still my teeny kid!  My baby.  I never thought I'd say it.  I disdain those mothers and fathers who over-parent their kids, especially the college-age ones - who bring them here for Iowa Private College Week and speak for them, rather than sit back and let them talk and learn and be curious.  The parents who have more questions for me than the students.  But I need to have compassion for them, because I'm starting to understand - it starts when they are this big: 
and continues on, at least until they're three or four!  

So, Wyatt went to school today!  Big boy school.

We spent so much time prepping him - enjoying the prep, actually.  I took him with me to get him registered (CRAP! I forgot the form for the school nurse.  Must get that in!!).  We took him to the opening of the Peace Garden on the front lawn of the school - Aaron got to meet some of the families that have Cowles Kids, too, that I already know from the Unitarian Universalist Church, and from work.  Then we went back again for the Open House and Orientation. Wyatt got to officially meet his teacher (Mrs. Wright) and the teacher's aide (Mrs. Grubb) and, even more importantly: Buddy the Bunny who lives in his classroom, and is a girl rabbit who has lived there for 8 years (going home with Mrs. Wright on weekends and summer break and over the winter holidays).  Wyatt is already a HUGE fan of Buddy.  

So we got him off to school this morning.  With all the preparation we could give him - and he was ready.  Emotionally very ready.  Physically not so much ... I mean, I drug his butt out of bed half an hour early, tried to get him to eat some breakfast (no luck), forgot to brush his teeth, and did not bother with the hair or sleep in his eyes.  Didn't anticipate that he'd need a jacket (we're still SO California some times ....) and he shivered as he held his dad's hand, clutching his backpack onto his back, walking up to the school.  

So physically, not as prepared as I'd like him to have been.  But emotionally ready.  And I guess that's the better of the two.

1 comment:

Darcie Vandegrift said...

A touching account of Wyatt's first day! Glad you're at Cowles, even if we aren't this year.